A bio, written by and
for an author to present himself to an agent or publisher, is the second most
important promotional piece you as a writer must have. Its basic function is to
describe your qualifications for, or your background in, the genre or field you
have chosen to write in.
When planning your bio, first, you must
1. Do I need to generate a long or short bio?
Short bios are needed to center in on each single project. Keep it to one page.
Long bios are needed when you want to give your entire background for a long term relationship with an agent or
2. Do I need to include my bylines?
In a short bio you need only list a few of the titles you have published, but make sure they reinforce your current
Always have a list of all you bylines ready if asked
3. Have I evaluated what I have written? Is it
appropriate for the pitch I need to give?
Have another person read (or read to them) your bio for content
4. Did I remove the Adverbs and adjectives?
Did I evaluate my use of all the adverbs and adjectives in my bio so that I am describing myself in the most active
way possible?
5. Will my presentation captivate the agent,
editor, or publisher I am aiming at?
Does my presentation catch the interest of my target audience in the way I want to impress the agent/publisher?
Remember to incorporate these 6 factors
into your bio:
· Write in Third Person
· List facts, not wishes
· Cite relevant experience
· Write Tight (Most
Important feature)
· Add a hook if necessary